We hope everyone is keeping well and eager to get back racing in 2021 when the guidance and restrictions allow. Whilst there is still a lot of uncertainty on when that might be, the club’s committee are ensuring we are ready to go when the time is right.
With the decision to not host a Motorsport UK Club Championship in 2021 we have put some time into firming up the rules & regulations for the Boyndie Drome Open Challenge (BDOC). We have created an easy to navigate document for all competitors but particularly those new into the sport and competing at the BDOC. We will still rely on the official fiches and regulations for technical compliance.
The key changes for 2021 are as follows:
- High point system with a drop score
- First timed time-trial heat reduced to 6minutes – two grided heats remain at 8mins + 1 lap and final 9mins + 1 lap
- Intention to bring back hire karts for their own Championship as part of the BDOC
- Race meeting to run the second weekend of the month – our traditional slot on the calendar

The intention when the calendar was set last year was to commence racing on the second weekend of March with the first round of the BDOC. At this moment in time this looks unlikely but we will keep you posted.
In light of the current circumstances the ASKC have also taken the decision to reduce the Super Series calendar from 6 rounds to 3.
2021 race calendar as it stands can be found here